Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Most Magical Night of the Year.

No, it's not Christmas (or even Hanukkah). I didn't just arrive to Disneyland or Vegas. I haven't won money, love, or recognition. However, it is one of the most magical nights of the year. Because of two words...


It is those two words that every screenplay writer - neophyte or veteran - writes at the the beginning of every story. For some it only happens once every year or so. For the most prolific, four or five times, but it is the best feeling a storyteller can have.

The pages of notes are set to the side. The agony of the outline behind you. Your characters, right now existing only as 4-6 page of notes, are about to take their first breath. No matter how extensively you have plotted their story, you know they will take you to places you never envisioned. That's what makes it so exciting. Those words start a journey that you take with the characters you fleshed out. It's ending is dependent not just on your actions, but on who they are about to come as well.

Over the next 4-6 weeks I know the following things will be true:
  • There will be at least two places my characters take me I never saw coming.
  • I will have two (or at most three) epiphanies. Frankly, these will be better than an orgasm.
  • In between those incredible moments of being, there will be dark day after dark day. Times when I know I won't finish. Others when I'll question why, who and what I am writing for.
  • I will miss a few appointments or obligations due to being up half the night, because I HAD to get a scene or thought down before it fled.
  • I will at some point right the worst two words - FADE OUT.
They are the worst because all the magic will be gone soon after. I'll be tired and spent, and soon will realize I wrote shit. Then I'll get to the rewrite.

For tonight though...


1 comment:

  1. I wanna many characters have pieces of RED in them? ;o)
