Thursday, August 6, 2009

All is well in the writing realm - for now

Tonight I just finished polishing the first draft of my newest - The International Space Station. Uploaded it to the copyright office as well. This is the point where, for a very short while, I am content with it. I have gone through it completely and checked off the basics:
  • Three acts all in the right places - check
  • Inciting incident where it needs to be - check
  • Theme stated - check
  • Break into two and three handled correctly - check
  • Characters have some life to them - check
  • Dialogue isn't on the nose - check
For tonight all seems right with it. Over the next week or so it will be read by family and friends, as well as a couple of industry pros. Once those reviews come in I'll realize what an utter pile of garbage it is and the real work will begin.

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