Friday, July 31, 2009

The Sweet Smell of (Very Little) Success

Got about halfway done on the first rewrite of my current script, The International Space Station. For me, this first rewrite consists of fairly simple tightening of dialogue and action lines. The hope is to cut out a lot of excess. Trim, trim, trim.

However, as I was working at his I realized how much less excess there is on this draft than at the same point on the first two scripts. Two more epiphanies followed. One, I was very lucky to gain a modicum of success (in the form of peer recognition) on my very first script. Second, I suck at screenwriting.

The two actually go hand in hand. I had enough affirmation that I know I'm not a total hack, but I am now realizing how lucky I was to get even that. Script by script I learn. As I wrote my first and second I felt I knew what I was doing. I was wrong, but I can now extrapolate how much better my ninth and tenth MIGHT be.

Now that insight led to the logical conclusion that I should take a break and procrastinate (an area I excel in already). While surfing, I downloaded a script that has just won Script of the Month honors on one of the peer sites. It was good! Really good in some areas. I spent an hour or so studying it. Then went and looked at the writers other submissions (12 of them).

My new goal. Beat that guy! I'll be that good in 8 scripts! (or maybe 9...)

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