Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Strike Out - Still in the Minor leagues

The Nicholls notifications came out today. The Nicholls screenwriting competition is a big deal for writers. Sponsored by the Academy of Motion Pictures and Sciences it is the US Open of writers competitions. 6200 entries and just over 300 make the first cut. Just making the first cut assures most scripts of getting read by producers and agents.

I had sent an early draft of my first script in and gave myself an outside chance to make that first cut. No such luck. I kept up on a few screenwriting forums to see who did make it and was familiar with half a dozen of the scripts that made it through. One of them I really liked myself, but still feel it's not a marketable script. It is however a fine piece of writing. I also found out that scripts that made the top 10 or 15% were given that information even though they didn't advance. I didn't get one of those notes.

I thought about that. I thought about the success that script has already had and the positive reviews. I considered the fact that it was the first one I had ever written. Actually the first real piece of any kind I have written. Then I pulled the script out that I finished days ago. One I know is much better. One in which I utilize a multitude of things I've learned. One that is truly a high concept script and I started the second draft.

I didn't make the cut this year. That just means I have a lot to learn and it's time to get right back to work. The best motivation at this stage is rejection. I'm betting I'll get tons of motivation this year.

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